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Re: Voyetra OP-400x missing breakout box

Thanks! I don't know much about this, so sorry if I'm asking stupid questions 😀 But, I can get a very cheap mpu-401 breakout box. Would that work? I don't want to try and then break something... If not, do you know where I can get schematics? (Apart from manuals which I don't own) Björn

Voyetra OP-400x missing breakout box

Hi! I recently acquired an IBM XT-286. In that machine I found a Voyetra OP-400x card which I think is a 100% MPU-401 compatible, but I'm not sure. Also, it's missing the breakout box. So if anyone here can help me: 1. Is there anyone who knows if this card is MPU-401 compatible (I would think so) …

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