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DPI settings in Windows 7

in Milliways
I have an old Windows program that runs in W7 with a patch OK, but will only fill the screen in 640x480 with a non-resizable window. Changing the DPI settings in Windows made the window a lot better size, but I have to log off every time I change the DPI settings. Is there a way to change the DPI …

Re: There is no such thing as "good enough"

in Milliways
Rekrul I share your dissatisfaction. The most annoying thing for me it's the "MASH THE BUTTONS TO DO X". I like Far Cry 3, but this is one aspect of it I really hate. It's a kick in the face, especially when you have a disability like me and you die due to a random encounter with a fucking crocodile …

Stuff in CRT case

in Milliways
Hello, accidentally, some crumpled wax from a candle has fallen into my CRT TV through the holes on the case. Can it somehow damage the TV, say, melt? It happened about a year ago and the TV runs OK but I'm still worried as I really like this particular TV and don't want it to fail because of my …

Re: 10th Anniversary

in Milliways
cdoublejj wrote: That's pretty cool. 2002 wow. 12 years ago. And now 2006 stuff is just about retro. 2006 will never be "retro" for me and I was born in 1993. Retro is pixellated 16-color graphics and beeping beige computers to me 😀 . Not Core 2 Duos which are still used in my mom's office.

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