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Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
That is really weird. Edge is basically just a rebranded Chrome, but yes - it does not switch to the Vogons mouse cursor. :) It is loading the CSS rule for the cursor image, though - just not applying it. So that's probably a bug that might be "fixed" in the future. Anmerkung 2020-04-21 225945.jpg …

Re: DuckTales

in Milliways
Jorpho wrote on 2020-04-21, 19:02: Paralel wrote on 2020-04-21, 10:53: That reminds me, I really need to play DuckTales 2 on the NES... Steam has the "Disney Afternoon Collection", also available on other platforms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Disney_Afte … noon_Collection Sweet! Thanks for …

Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
Just for some input on the shrinking cursor problem, I was alerted to the fact that it does not happen on Microsoft Edge for some reason. It just leaves the cursor alone. As such, at least the usability issue regarding the custom cursor can be avoided, at least for now. So, I guess the problematic …

Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
Is it just me, or does the forum now hijack my mouse cursor? Instead of the mouse cursor I have set in my OS settings, it changes it to a weird, thin and very small mouse cursor. I never noticed it until someone mentioned it. I use the classic windows cursor, and the one on Vogons is just *slightly …

Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
I posted this in another thread, not sure which one it should be in, so I'll just put it here as well: I’ll address this where you mentioned it on the welcome thread. Just wanted to ask about this again since I may have missed where it was addressed. Below is the original post I was referring to. …

Re: New forum suggestions/Feedback

in Milliways
I posted this in another thread, not sure which one it should be in, so I'll just put it here as well: Is it just me, or does the forum now hijack my mouse cursor? Instead of the mouse cursor I have set in my OS settings, it changes it to a weird, thin and very small mouse cursor. It does. To me, …

Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
https://www.vogons.org/download/file.php?id=73642 That is one cracked out looking smiley... Is it just me, or does the forum now hijack my mouse cursor? Instead of the mouse cursor I have set in my OS settings, it changes it to a weird, thin and very small mouse cursor. It does. To me, this is an …

Re: Tiny mouse driver ?

in Milliways
rasz_pl wrote: Cloaking sounds like switching execution context nightmare? Wonder if it had any performance overhead versus running normal driver. I guarantee it did.

Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen/Heard of a DigiSpeech Plus?

I was thinking about it, and I think the patcher that exists will work. Considering the sound blaster emulator needs the TSR, you can't use the Sound blaster function with just a simple patch, but Adlib can be made to work since no emulation software is needed for that. Since the parallel port for …

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