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Re: Necroware's S7-VRM

I've been slacking on this, easy to put it off because I've never used gerber files to order a PCB. And now I don't have to because someone is now selling the PCBs on Ebay. Of course I'll still have to order the components and do the soldering once I get them, but it's step in the right direction. …

Re: Clonezilla not work

Is there a version of this software that will work on hardware this old? I've used Clonezilla successfully on newer hardware, but when I wanted to clone my Socket 7 machine I gave up and used Norton's Ghost instead. A version of Clonezilla that would work on such old hardware would be great. They …

Re: What game are you playing now?

I've just begun Max Payne for the first time. Many years ago a neighbor gave me a demo, but I wasn't interested because my obsession was flight sims. This is the first third person shooter I've ever played, so the perspective's a bit odd. It runs nicely on my Soyo Dragon Plus system which I would …

Re: Maximum motherboard AT format

There are Pentium 3 AT boards that can be converted to run a Tualatin CPU, and there were Socket A motherboards in the AT form factor. But the Socket A AT motherboards are incredibly rare, so I wouldn't hold out for one, and the power supply and case cooling could also be a factor with those. More …

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