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Re: PC gaming magazines with full games

in Milliways
IIRC certain German gaming magazines had covermount full releases. I believe images of those CDs were even taken down from archive.org, including (IIRC) cover CDs of PC Games (German) (this might've been at the magazine publisher's request, not sure). Which is a shame because those CDs have a lot of …

Re: The Quest for Pixel Perfect DOS Emulation

I've been through a period when I applied aspect ratio correction to all DOS games (SVN Daum does that even in cases when it's not needed, like Rayman ). Now I'm way more cautious and try to figure it out on a case-by case basis. Realistically, back in the day most of the time VGA 13h would be …

Re: Random free game findings

in Milliways
gerry wrote on 2021-06-22, 10:39: so many games developed and left hanging by small teams and individuals, all those sites and communities lost to time. A greater problem IMO is that many games were completed and fully playable, yet lost because everyone was busy with well-known titles.

Re: The Quest for Pixel Perfect DOS Emulation

For example, the DOS version of C&C: Red Alert runs at 320 x 200, and I'm about 99% sure that it was supposed to show in a 1.6:1 area of the screen with black bars at the top and bottom, but when I played it in real DOS in the '90s, the image would be stretched to fill the entire 4:3 screen and the …

Re: Random free game findings

in Milliways
Found another site about homebrew RPGs: http://www.rpgdx.net/ From there I got to a project - seemingly incomplete - called Valkin 2: http://lyrian.obnix.com/valkin2/en/index.html Filename v2demo1_000.png File size 180.89 KiB Views 1733 views

Re: Rare and lost demo/shareware releases wanted list

in Milliways
Here's a game that might very well be lost for good: Pebbles Type: Freeware Version: 1.0 File name: pebbles.zip File size: 292 KiB Original game page: http://members.xoom.com/escp/pebbles.htm This is a freeware Boulder Dash clone created with the Allegro library. The Wayback Machine has preserved …

Re: MobyGames Database Question

in Milliways
Another thing which I don't see details on is whether a game belongs to a series. I'd like to have a column designating if a game is a "standalone" or "belongs to ". So far the only way I see to check for this is to look on the page for each game. I don't think you can check if a game belongs to a …

Re: Sarien 0.7.0 - no sound?

The DOS binary on SourceForge was compiled with Turbo C. According to README.ports in the 0.7.0 source files, MS-DOS builds compiled with Watcom and Turbo C use the "dummy" sound driver, presumably meaning no sound, and MS-DOS builds compiled with DJGPP use the Allegro sound library. As usual, …

Re: Sarien 0.7.0 - no sound?

So the Sarien code that you're playing with is probably quite outdated. Why not use ScummVM for playing AGI games? To be honest, I expected this kind of replies with some probability, but it seemed to be impolite to try to prevent them in advance. I appreciate your trying to help but this is not …

Re: Random free game findings

in Milliways
More oddities from that German site! I just downloaded a supposedly fully 3D but still DOS game/demo called Acrophy . Can't run it in DOSBox past the main menu screen though, as it either freezes or ends with "Reboot requested". Maybe figure it out later. UPD: And here's a complete freeware RPG from …

Sarien 0.7.0 - no sound?

I took and interest in fan-made AGI games and ways for running them in DOSBox without proprietary Sierra interpreter binaries. Out of the possible options, Sarien seemed most suitable, and indeed it works in DOSBox (I figured out how to add fan games to the sarien.ini config file), but I'm getting …

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