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Re: VirtualBox and 3D acceleration

Jorpho wrote: Holering wrote: Think the best option is vga passthrough via Linux. Are you suggesting that the VM can access the video card hardware directly? I didn't think that was possible. Yes, but only if your system supports VT-d.

Re: Audio Capacitor replacement

Audio-class caps don't make one bit of difference, and so-called enthusiasts can't differentiate between them and other caps with equal specs in blind tests. Don't pay the huge premium for them. Use Nichicon PW, Panasonic FC, or UCC LXZ series. Other options are Nichicon HD, Panasonic FM/FR, or UCC …

Re: What old game would you like to see remade?

Wolfenstein 3D - Let me elaborate. When Wolfenstein 3D came out, it was not only revolutionary in the sense that it was an unprecedented demonstration of new technology, but also in that it captured the aura of the Nazis perfectly. The graphics were crude, but they were there to demonstrate the …

Re: AdLib has become oh so rare!!!

I can only assume this is an Adlib clone from the early 90s... These came in a white square box with a yellow mascot on it, and it was called "Baby Boomer". I never ended up selling any and gave most of them away to be scrapped. I kept one card (without the box) for a keepsake: http://s30.postimg. …

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