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Re: Bought these games today

in Milliways
It's interesting to note that the last Tex Murphy adventure - "Overseer", was released on 5 (I think) CD-ROMs, plus an additional single DVD-ROM, for those lucky folks who had a DVD-ROM reader, back in the day. The DVD version required you to have one of a few specific hardware DVD decoders. I …

Re: SpinRite to fix USB drive

in PC Emulation
You are highlighting the wrong part. Miki Maus wrote: Two points (taken from Wikipedia): SpinRite tests the data surfaces of read-write magnetic disks including IDE, SATA, USB, floppy, ZIP and others.

Re: Bought these games today

in Milliways
Here you go: http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=22584 I have no idea if the game itself runs on Windows Vista/7. Probably not since it relies on an ancient version of QuickTime (updating INI files?!?!). The patcher will ask for the appropriate permissions though. ;) There are some other issues — …

Re: Bought these games today

in Milliways
YES, yes there is, there is a lot of interest, and it is coming from me. This sounds fantastic! Link please! I will need a little while to create an installer that only patches the files instead of including all of them, since it required modification to both the exe-file and the main data file ( …

Error-correcting codes in old tape-based formats

in Milliways
Hi everyone! Google is failing me, so I figured I would ask here to learn if anyone has information about any error-correcting methods that were used by old compact cassette-based tape drives on systems like the ZX Spectrum +2 and the Commodore 64. This really is totally unimportant, but someone …

Re: Rant Time

in Milliways
Moogle! wrote: Um wow, you're retarded. Thank you for that ad hominem. Did you ever hear the one about the pot and the kettle?

Re: Rant Time

in Milliways
It irritates me that, when using any given Windows distro, the Windows key is almost totally useless. When I press that god damned button, I want it to work as a global hotkey that I can use to control any of the functions available in any of my currently running applications. And I want to use the …

Re: DOSBox Project Name Change

The only problem with the name DOSBox is that the software is starting to do more than simply run DOS software. From a marketing perspective, given how strong the existing name is, that is not enough of a reason to change the name.

Re: why is nibiru slow?

in Windows
If they really want to throw good money after bad, there are still a few PCI video cards available, like this 9500 GT. But why someone would spend any money to upgrade a Celeron 2.53GHz to play games is beyond me. This thing doesn’t have even a sliver of retro value.

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