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Wing Commander 2 Control Issue

Sorry if this is a problem with the game or my configuration, and not Dosbox. In Wing Commander 2, when I am pitching and rolling at the same time (pressing "down and left" or "up and right" together on the keyboard), then make taps on one of the buttons to adjust my path (for example, releasing " …

Re: Which Might and Magic game should I start first?

in Milliways
Thanks for the advice! Actually, my college roommate a few years back also recommended the Xeen series as the greatest games he ever played, but I didn't know until now which numbers in the series they were. He himself was confused as to which ones they were, and "Xeen" showed up in a couple of the …

Thanks for DOSBox

DOSBox is an incredible program, easy to use and get started, customizable, and allows us to experience those old classics again with a minimum of fuss. I don't think I'm alone in saying that I hope you guys are getting bookoo :money: bucks and well-deserved adulation for your hard work. Thank you …

Which Might and Magic game should I start first?

in Milliways
Hi, I'm a big fan of the old style RPGs like Ultima and Wizardry, and Might and Magic is a series I haven't had the pleasure of getting acquainted with just yet. I was hoping those of you who have finished most or all of the series could help me choose the best M&M game to cut my teeth on! You don't …

Thunderboard, Sound Blaster, Roland...?

Dosbox can sure emulate a lot of different sound cards! That's neat. I tried to play Monkey Island 2 with Roland, but I found that the quality was inferior to Sound Blaster, so I made a batch file to run the latter. So what's the difference between all of these different sound cards in terms of …

Re: Willy Beamish - Unable to install or play

It might be a corrupted file, but I've seen at least two other threads on this board with my same problem: http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=9848 http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=13479 I think I'll try messing with the CPU values next, but I hope someone can shed some light on the problem …

Willy Beamish - Unable to install or play

Hi, When I try to install The Adventures of Willy Beamish from my floppy drive (A:), the first disk installs ok, then it gives me this message: "Please insert Willy Beamish disk #1 into drive C:" I used "mount c c:\" and "mount a a:\ -t floppy" for my commands before I tried the install. My other …

Sound and Mouse

Maybe this post was better off here... When you move your mouse in a game and the sound gets garbled as you move it, but sounds just fine when the mouse is still, what does that entail? An IRQ conflict of some kind? It only ever happens on Wizardry games to me, and it has occured on a multitude of …

Wizardry Sound Issues

Thanks so much for Dos Box, guys. I just need to fine tune one thing before I can have my fix of nostalgia. In both Wizardry 6 and 7, whenever a sound plays in the game and I'm moving the mouse at the same time, the sound gets garbled. This can get quite annoying as there is a lot of ambient noise …

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