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Re: wrapping OpenGL

I think the most attractive feature would be upscaling , like when you run the game at lower res and output to your native res, to get your 2d elements such as HUD to appear scaled, but your 3d is at your native res. So for me i wouldn't care about a translation, but rather the scaleup trick. i mean …

Re: Wierd GUID

Speaking of GUID , this problem seems to be problematic for other games so Need for speed HP:2 throws an exception 0xC000001D, it also stops before it update rendercaps.ini which contain the ScreenModeIndex, which I assume is because it can't get the correct monitor mode, maybe its not getting the …

Re: WIP versions

Not trying to nag a hole in your head, but do you think this can be solved in the next update? I'v also tryed the new feature where the resolution is set afterward , DeferredScreenModeSwitch but that doesn't work. And this issue has been there since the first dgvoodoo that supported DirecX9. Avp …

Re: WIP versions

Not trying to nag a hole in your head, but do you think this can be solved in the next update? I'v also tryed the new feature where the resolution is set afterward , DeferredScreenModeSwitch but that doesn't work. And this issue has been there since the first dgvoodoo that supported DirecX9. Avp …

Re: dgVoodoo 2 for DirectX 11

Tryed Outcast 1.1 "the updated one" with the latest 60.1 build, and so far it can stretch the image up, but can't change the games resolution to be higher. and Avp Classic GoG, still refuses to scale in-game, but interesting enough, with the 59 build they shared the similar issue where they just …

Re: dgVoodoo 2 for DirectX 11

DX10 Support would actually be great for Bioshock and STALKER: Clear Sky since microsoft broke it not long after those games released. I indeed also is a bit confused by that? if you mean broken as in performance problem , than i can't clarify that, but DirectX 10 is supported just fine, same with …

Re: WIP versions

Cool, since you are back on bug fixing, did you check my PM post about : Avp Classic GOG won't upscale its a long time ago I did that post, so you probably missed that And if someone wonder way bother? .. have anyone tryed to read the in-game text when playing on a 1440p monitor :lol: its so tiny …

Re: WIP versions

Dragon Age Origins Still have major issues. I know they're not supposed to be fixed, but I have them installed so easy to test. I'm also not sure Dead Space or Legend of Grimrock is supposed to work. I defend you on this one, I would love to play Dragon Origin without a pair of enlargement glass …

Re: WIP versions/ Dark Sector

I can happily report that Darksector runs better now, and the hiccups is probably going too be smoother with some optimizing that will come along with future updates. Still Avp classic from GoG won't scale the in-game resolution, which would result the game stays in downscaled.

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