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Re: $$$ to Convert Lotte's CRT Shader for DosBOX Daum

If anything the dynamic cores are more stable since they handle page faults and other exceptions more gracefully. I just checked with a 12 year old compiler (VS2008), nearly all switch/case statements use a direct table (one lookup) or indirect table (two lookups). If you can give an example of one …

Re: PowerPC Dynamic Recompiler (patch)

I definitely remember finding a bug in Descent's source code related to the timed text rendering on briefing screens but I can't remember the details. I think it was rendering everything twice when adding each letter which caused obvious slowdown - you can see it in the enemy briefings, the rotating …

Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
The site uses emoji now, and there are around 3000 of those, so there’s not a button to list them any more since it would be a very large list. You can use a built-in emoji keyboard :keyboard: of your OS, :sparkles: :shortcodes: :sparkles: (which have autocompletion as you type), or the O.G. …

Re: PowerPC Dynamic Recompiler (patch)

Smells like a 64-bit ABI issue, but I'm not completely positive because it looks like the backtrace info for the call to mem_writeb_checked_drc is hiding the real parameter value. The emitted instructions look like translation of LEA: r29 is loaded from a cpu reg (base), added with a segment reg, …

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