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Re: New forum suggestions/Feedback

in Milliways
A new for me annoying problem. If I click on "New Posts" it shows the new posts, but after reading a few of them, clicking to the next page says nothing found. Or, if I went to page 3 of 3, then clicked on the browsers "back" button, suddenly there's nothing there. It seems to give less than a …

Re: Dosbox Odd RGame Results Windows v Mac OS

programmed in Quick Basic There's the reason. Quick Basic does all basic math operations in a very inefficient way - everything is done using the x87 FPU. This can be a bit problematic to emulate from both a hardware and OS standpoint, so unless DOSBox can directly pass operations through to a …

Re: windows 98: how install Height Definition Audio?

if a windows 98 compatible sound card is not possible use one of these usb ones, i have one and it works in 98 and also a dos window in dos you get sound effects but no music, also its a C-Media, an 8738 if i remember right. they are sold under different brand names, i think mines a startech. …

Re: Repairing a 486 DX

Oh dear, what has happened here? Let's go back to this photo : the RAM is in the correct slots, except the third chip isn't properly seated - looking at the bottom half you can see it isn't aligned correctly in the slot. But then a few posts later, in the next photo : the RAM is all now in the wrong …

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