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Re: Fast / quiet / cool AGP graphics card

Yeah, I'm glad you got it figured out. Just keep an eye on it, like momaka said. If you ever do wanna do the caps, even as a preventative measure, I have the list of caps that I used which you're more than welcome to. I have a whole pile of Shuttles I'm recapping, and I have tentative plans to make …

Re: Fast / quiet / cool AGP graphics card

Wow, I wish I'd seen this thread sooner. I just got done recapping and building an SN95G5 v2 a couple weeks ago. You've hit on what I generally favor for late AGP Shuttles - the X800 cards are a good balance between size, heat, and capability. You might technically be able to run a reference-cooled …

Re: Marketplace alternatives in 2019?

in Milliways
I'll second the disdain for Amibay. They *still* don't have dedicated PC sections, and their users are largely based out of Europe, making the site useless for most people here, and doubly so for those of us in the Western Hemisphere. Have you considered Craigslist for local distribution? Sure, it's …

Re: PC freezes in games

Just remember that older FSP units are likely to need a re-cap. Ditto for the (otherwise good) Antecs of the era. I'd also add PC Power & Cooling to the list, with the caveat that they, too had a string of bad caps around the early 2000s. Basically you need to get pretty familiar with a soldering …

Re: Simmconn AWE64 Adapter

Something along this line for TWO PCBs for the revival (extra PCB to hold current SimmConns as well as the current design) http://i.imgur.com/sEw2bVVl.png Or this for an XL SimmConn http://i.imgur.com/UxEjtPTl.png Or this, just a big square and no "L" http://i.imgur.com/NL8u1pwl.png Anyways. Ideas. …

Re: GA-5AX Revision 3.0

The problem is with all boards that use the Aladdin V Rev. G or H, not just yours. You can mitigate it by using a non-plus CPU (the K6-III should work, and still has integrated L2), or just go with an MVP3 board (which I've heard are more stable anyway). The K5 would work, but later DOS games might …

Re: Modern beige rigs & peripherals

in Milliways
I really dislike the Christmas cases that seem to unfortunately have made a break-through, I'd prefer to watch my starships go to warp 9 on my screen instead of from my desk :D I also don't like PSUs placed on the bottom and how external drive bays are disappearing (though I perfectly understand …

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