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Re: What do you use to rip CDs?

in Milliways
EAC and FLAC here too. Although since I've replaced my old dvd burner by a blu ray / dvdr drive, I'm having lots of problems with EAC. It rips the cd but then I get silent tracks with just clicks. If anyone knows about this problem I'd appreciate the help!

Re: "My" Joystick

in Milliways
My parents bought an Atari 2600 in the early '80s so the first joystick I ever used was the standard 2600 controller. As far are computers are concerned, here is a pic I posted in a similar thread a few weeks ago. My first one was probably this Jeco in the late '80s, and shortly thereafter the Konix …

Re: Post pics of your CRT monitors

@obobskivich Nice CRTs. Are there Altec Lansing ATP3 speakers? Used to have the same ages ago. @Auzner I sold most of my big box pc games a few years ago but nobody seemed interested by the Heroes games so this is pretty much all that's left from my collection. HOMM2 & HOMM3 are among my all time …

Re: Post pics of your CRT monitors

Thanks. I guess by the time they were making the F520 the whole computer industry was definitely moving out of "beige" territory! IIRC the 400PS was made around the time the 19" screen size became more available for the consumer market. Before that it was quite unusual to see anything bigger than …

Re: Retro Rig Photo Thread

I found a few pictures of old rigs on my hard drive so I thought I would post them here... I had this one briefly probably around 2001, no idea about the brand of the case but I remember it was really, really heavy. It might probably have been home to a Gigabyte GA-7ZXR with an Athlon 1300. The …

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