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Re: test386.asm CPU tester

//According to IBMulator more like "According to DOSBox"... I've unashamedly copied AAA and AAS code straight from DOSBox, which is correct regarding the undefined flags for pre-pentium hw (for those opcodes anyway). EDIT: why do you modify ZF and SF at the end of the AAA procedure? FLAGW_ZF((REG_ …

Re: test386.asm CPU tester

Nobody is bored enough to make task switching, security and vm86 tests I guess :) It's not so much about boredom, it's more like being able to define a meaningful test and to find the time to implement it, while having a very good understanding of the matter, ofc. :) Anyway, I've finally found the …

Re: test386.asm CPU tester

I know, but I assume that if the data size is constant(e.g. 64-bit integer, 32-bit integer, 16-bit integer, 8-bit integer), it shouldn't be a problem(e.g. uint_64 to int_64 and vise-versa)? The only thing that effectively changes is the sign bit becoming a negative value of itself, assuming C/C++ …

Re: test386.asm CPU tester

Edit: Having fixed this, it now continues on towards the other tests:D Congratulations! :D Can you see what's exactly going wrong? Search for OP0FXX or OPXX for the opcode emulation itself(OP6B, OP69, OPF6, OPF7 and OPD*). I quickly read CPU_OP6B(), I didn't find the bug but here's a couple of …

Re: test386.asm CPU tester

I'm just asking to be sure: to the CPU, does a 2-operand opcode 69/6B(IMUL r16,imm8/16) even exist? Or does it always decode to 3 operands, with r/m and immediate being multiplied and stored into the reg operand? 6B/69 are 3-operand only: 6B /r ib IMUL r16, r/m16, imm8 word register ← r/m16 ∗ sign- …

Re: test386.asm CPU tester

There's something I notice about the test386.asm repository: it does seem to have a EE file(test386-EE-reference) for normal logs, but not another one for the logs for the undefined flags as well(the TEST_UNDEF enabled test)? Test 0xE0 (undefined behaviours) depends on the CPU family. I didn't want …

Re: test386.asm CPU tester

The old Intel dev manuals are wrong. The correct algorithm is reported in the current IA-32 Software Dev's Manual (Volume 2A). old_AL ← AL; old_CF ← CF; CF ← 0; IF (((AL AND 0FH) > 9) or AF = 1) THEN AL ← AL - 6; CF ← old_CF or (Borrow from AL ← AL − 6); AF ← 1; ELSE AF ← 0; FI; IF ((old_AL > 99H) …

Re: test386.asm CPU tester

I opened an issue rather than forking the code because I haven't spent the time yet to understand how to add new tests by myself. I hope that's acceptable. I've updated test386.asm with a BCD undefined flags test (for the 80386 only though). I've also validated the flags values against a 386SX …

Re: test386.asm CPU tester

The list file is unchanging, though(only if source code is changed in the testsuite, which is only the base constants and the additional logging code): test386.lst.zip The #DE handler moves a new EIP to the stack (0010:C20C), so that the iretd at 0010:C213 can return to a ret, instead of the div …

Re: Fastest DOS VLB Graphics card ever?

The ARENA developers are known for pulling influences from Ultima Underworld and Dungeons & Dragons, which released the massive, open, but ultimately derivative, first-person RPG: "The Elder Scrolls: ARENA". The 3D engine however stands out completely from Ultima as it gave you the freedom to move …

Re: test386.asm CPU tester

Strange: I only see UniPCemu emitting one 32-bit DIV instruction, which isn't overflowing or divide by 0? 0x245af920e27415a5 / 0x88776655 = 0x44332211 remainder 0. After the final IMUL32 D entry, it ends up at a interrupt-disabled HLT instruction? No DIV instruction is executed at all. test386_ …

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