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Re: AMD K6 3DMARK, aiming for stars.

Have not been in this thread for a long while, did anyone beat the scores of Asus P5A boards? They are still my favorite boards and years ago i had many ss7 boards of different brands and Asus boards were faster. Mvp3 didn't come close and while gigabyte (ali V) did clock higher they didn't score …

Re: The Joy of MMX

My ultimate P-MMX is the one that clocks to 4x100 on an agp board. Two of my 200s seem to be able to run stable with a slight overvolt to 3,0v and some copper based socket A cooler. Tested on my pc chips m577 test board, 64MB pc100 sdram, Nvidia geforce mx440 for a few hours and running smooth :) …

Re: What Voodoo 5 to buy?

I use my voodoo1 and v2 sli the most. Most care free is probably the v3's and the v4 and 5 is nice for older Glide games to use AA. I have around 40 3dfx cards still (was above 80) but the later ones rarely get used...

Re: AGP for Super S7 with weak VRMS?

Boards like p5a and p5a-b have zero problems with agp power. Some very cheap board had some problem and the common one i believe was a FIC 2020 or 2007 (or something like that). Didn't know the 503 had those issues as well. The problem came up when voodoo3 3000 and 3500 were released, voodoo3 2000 …

Re: Voodoo rush working slow ?

Glide needs to be supported by the game itself. If you have no experience with 3dfx cards then the voodoo rush is the worst card to get into this stuff as it was badly supported (needs tweaking on some games) and it was slow anyway. The 2d chip of the cards were also bad, especially the MX. The 2d …

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