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Trying to remember obscure edutainment game

in Milliways
I've been trying to figure out the name of this game for years so I could play it again, I just haven't been able to remember it. From what I recall, it was an edutainment game (I think it had something to do with money or math). If you did good enough you got to move onto a bonus game that was kind …

Re: Treasure Cove MIDI files?

in DOS
Davros wrote: perhaps the floppy version uses fm synthesis ? If it did, how would I be able to get MIDI files from it? @CTF@

Treasure Cove MIDI files?

in DOS
I used to have a CD copy of Treasure Cove AGES go, which had the soundtrack available as MIDI files. I've long since lost the disc, but found a floppy version much later. I've tried finding the MIDI files on the disc and in the installed files, but as far as I can tell the files aren't as "available …

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