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Re: iMac screen resolution for Cham Man 9798

Hi, many thanks for replying. When you say "you need to use a 4:3" etc....do you mean the following commands will achieve this fullscreen=true fullresolution=1440x1080 # alternatively you can try 1024x768, 800x600, etc. aspect=true im also getting the same results on windows laptop at work. If I key …

iMac screen resolution for Cham Man 9798

Hi, I have a new iMac that is 21.5". I am trying to play champ manager 9798 via dos box. It launches & plays absolutely fine, apart from an inch of black band down either side of the screen. Obvioulsy I need to change the resolution, but no matter what I change in the config file, I cant get it to …

DOSbos Preference on OS X

Hi, I have been using DOS box for a while, but would like to edit the preferences, e.g screen resolution. I cant see a preferences file anywhere on my mac - any ideas? I only have a changes, authors, news & readme text file in my dos box folder. But no dos box .73 preferences file. When Ive read the …

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