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Re: "Dynamic CPU"

Thanks, the new update did help, still get some crashes to desktop every now and then. but it was near to none help... the sound begins to stutter at 9000 cycles instead of 8600. if i could ignore the stutter every time a unit moves, i can co up to 20250 where the game becomes playable... but …

Re: "Dynamic CPU"

The question about the ongoings of the "dynamic" CPU is still open... many games still have CacheBlock Overrun..(even with dos32a) What are the developers concentrating on? Is there any development? Lennart

Network campatibility

Hi Is there some sort of code used to do the "low level network" support? all my old games have the habit of running 1 sec, then stall for 2 then run for 1 sec, and so on, as soon as network is enabled.. maybe that is an compatibily issue that can be fixed in VDMSound? both PC´s are running XP …

"Dynamic CPU"

Hi How is the devlopment of the "dynamic" cpu going? It looks very promissing, and it is nedded for the high end games like M.A.X (at 13000 cycles its unplayable slow) and even the newest system cant get it fast enogh :wink: I miss a changelog like the one used at nebula : http://nebuladevice. …

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