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Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Decided to replay Quake 2 after the remaster got released. Completed the expansions too. Q2.PNG The base game and the Call of the Machine episodes were fun, can't say the same for the original expansions and the N64 game - they seemed to just drag on for way too long. Couldn't help but notice the …

Re: Bought this (Modern) hardware today

in Milliways
Replaced the R9 Fury in my home office (and occasional light gaming) PC with a newly purchased RX 580 8G shower head edition. The fury itself was a more recent purchase - bough it as-is for 10 Euros from on obvious post crypto-mining discard pile. I guess the former owner thought it had given up the …

Re: Apple M1 computer SSD

in Milliways
pentiumspeed wrote on 2023-06-28, 15:22: We, customers prefer replaceable new SSD and easy system software re-installation for any computers and consoles including Sony I think you'll be disappointed to know that the majority of people do not think or act in their own best interests, at least when …

Re: Apple M1 computer SSD

in Milliways
Those Macs with the 256gb SSDs are going to be the First Macs to Start failing and when they do you have to throw it away because you can not replace the SSD as it is soldered onto the Logic board Unless you're running some specific software that's hard on your drive, even a basic 256G drive will …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Namrok wrote on 2023-06-16, 12:49: a mechanic like that was for console peasants That's kind of how I felt paying Call of Duty 2 for the first time - regenerating health was like cheating to me.

Re: What makes (or made) WinME so horrible?

I've not used ME when it came out, but I have been using it instead of W98 for some time now for my late 90's builds and I had 0 issues. I like it mainly because USB storage works right out of the box. On Some P3 and Athlon VIA chipsets, I Could not get USB storage working with 98 at all with nusb33 …

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