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Re: Retro Laptop with Voodoo 2

I doubt it would be 1 fps bottleneck, but it would probably introduce some lag enough to effect it. The voodoo 2 on the otherhand feels perfectly playable. I should try inserting a USB controller somtime in the expansion chassis to test transfer speeds. Transfer speeds should be fine as the adapter …

Re: Is there any progress on 3dfx emulation?

in Windows
Right, so what about using a type of hal instead of full-on software emulation? If the system it is being run on is x86, then not everything should need to be emulated. If it is non-x86, then it would be compiled as such anyway and the full software emulation would need to be there.

Re: Is there any progress on 3dfx emulation?

in Windows
A question I've had many times is why does the CPU and GPU have to be emulated at all? It isn't like those functions have been dropped on modern processors. The only problem I see with directly using the hardware would be that you would have to change the way the speed is regulated for speed …

Re: Is there any progress on 3dfx emulation?

in Windows
I thought 3dfx (glide) emulation was already in Dosbox and worked fairly good? Looks like DosBox-pure and DosBox ECE support 3dfx emulation. Haven't really looked into that as I haven't really played with any of the forks. I also see mention of an alpha build of regular DosBox from 2017 with 3dfx …

Re: Is there any progress on 3dfx emulation?

in Windows
After thinking about this more, it would probably be easiest to: 1.Have DosBox pass the calls to a Glide wrapper. No need to re-invent the wheel. 2. Add some multithreading capability to DosBox. Why have everything be on only a single thread? Why not split the load between different threads? Sure …

Re: Is there any progress on 3dfx emulation?

in Windows
There are good 3dfx wrappers for Windows games. I don't know if any of them are open sourced though. It really would be best to have hardware passthrough to d3d for stuff like DosBox instead of complete software emulation for 3d acceleration. Complete software emulation would absolutely tank …

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