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Re: Atrend ATC 6220 +Win98SE + AGP support

If you are getting video out of them when plugged into the AGP port, then it should be ok. What does the device manager say? Anything that has exclamation points or red Xs? Do you have the latest BIOS for your motherboard? Have you tried resetting the BIOS settings/clearing CMOS?

Re: oldschool crossfire

What framerates are you seeing in the games that aren't running both GPUs at 100%? Is vsync disabled? If not and it is not fast enough to run at the refresh rate of the monitor then the fps is going to be cut in half of the refresh rate.

Re: Looking for a good Airplane Game

in Milliways
You should be able to use the joystick with pretty much any game that supports joystick type input. For non-simulator games, the Wing Commander series is pretty sweet. You have Wing commander 1-4, Privateer and Privateer 2. No technically airplane games. They are space flight games and much better …

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