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Re: Does dosbox crash when a DOS game crashes?

This appears to be DOSBOX itself crashing. I've seen both, depending on how bizarre the game crash was. Most frequently, DOSBOX remains responsive, although you have to close and restart it. In rare occasions I've had similar problems, where I couldn't even get to the desktop normally, and had to …

Re: CRT vs LCD?

Short of perhaps AMD's latest GPUs, every video card I have seen either had VGA, or at least one of the DVI outputs was DVI-I, which includes DVI-A, which is VGA. Meaning that you can convert it to VGA with a passive adapter. Then again, today there are very cheap, even if active, converters from DP …

Re: CRT vs LCD?

Both have their advantages. The advantages of CRTs are perfect viewing angles, accurate colors, resolution flexibility, no lag and no pixel response issues. LCDs on the other hand can be manufactured to larger screen size, flexible form factors, higher resolutions, and they always look 100% sharp at …

Re: SATA question

in Milliways
According to WD's documentation, your board does have one of the problematic chipsets that may have issues detecting the drive unless jumpered to SATA1. http://wdc.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1337/c/123/session/L3RpbWUvMTQzNDgzMDQ2NS9zaWQvZlBoeDdvcG0%3D However, newer WD drivers will …

Re: what are your favourite ps/2 mice?

in Milliways
Gotta add that I absolutely adore the back and forward functions (which are the defaults assigned to the 4th and 5th mouse buttons), so at this point I will not use any mouse with less than 5 buttons.

Re: what are your favourite ps/2 mice?

in Milliways
vetz wrote: Logitech MX518 USB mouse that works as PS/2. I have one and like it a lot. Also, the MX310, if you are a fan of symmetrical mice (that can also be comfortably used by left-handed people). Most of my mice are the MX310.

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