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I'm got this one of my favorite games working with Dosbox again, but there's one thing I'm wondering... I can't get more energy even if I put my characters to sleep! When I run out of energy it seems to be out for good. I quite clearly remember that while asleep, wounds healed faster and also lost …

Renderer wonderings...

Why do the "overlay" and "openglnbl"-renderers produce somehow unaccurate, hazy image - so it makes them unpleasant to watch? This forces me to use either the "surface" or "opengl" methods, but bilinear filtering isn't suitable for all the games and I would like the small speed increase that " …

Re: Privateer with Dosbox 0.61

Nomad: Does anybody know how to get privater to run smoothly? It frames badly when there are lots of objects on the screen. Wait 'till version 0.62 is released... By testing the latest compiled CVS-version of Dosbox, I can say that Privateer will run "perfectly" on it.

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