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Re: When do you format your hard drive?

in Milliways
I format my hard drive when I think there may be something wrong with it. I recently did this to a drive I pulled out of one of my RAID arrays. It's been online since 2011. The RAID controller log shows that it's been throwing errors since September, but apparently these were recoverable errors and …

Re: The perfect computer

in Milliways
I recently got to play around with an iPad and really liked its thinness. It slides easily into a bag full of books and other stuff, something that can be tricky for other computers. The thinnest notebook is still thicker than an iPad. When I last had to fly, I put my laptop in the hold and brought …

Re: SHARE command in DOSBox?

I could not find Fakeshar when I last looked for it, but did find a similar program that does the same thing, called Noshare. I uploaded it at the end of this thread: Help loading fakeshar.com I successfully got Office 4.3 to run with this.

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