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Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
I think once I clear all the southern desert lands, I will have cleared every land mass on the map. Then it will be time to visit the Pyramids which starts the endgame sequences. Check that. It looks like I have to collect 11 King's Ultimate Orbs and give them to the King of my choice (good, …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire I put a few more hours into this over the weekend. So far, so good. It actually starts out quite difficult even on the "normal" difficulty level, as one of the mandatory encounters is actually pretty tough for a level 1 party; it must be even harder if you are …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
For some reason, it's completely foreign to her even though she holds her hand that way when she types. For now, she holds her index finger on E, the rest of her fingers hang near/off the left keyboard edge, and her thumb is somewhere around F. :shrug: I'm having a extremely hard time picturing …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Back in April , I mentioned that my wife wanted to try Hogwarts Legacy. She is a complete non-gamer other than an occasional phone puzzle game. Here we are, a month later and we're still playing! Usually only on a Saturday and/or Sunday afternoon for an hour, but she hasn't given up yet. Given …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Might & Magic III Speaking of MM3, I am curious to know your opinion on the following games of the series. Personally I've tried MM4 and 5, but never went very far in those games. I even bought the very modern MMX Legacy (2014) but I found it disappointing. There is something special about MM3 that …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
I finished MM3 back in the days and wanted to play it again. I am struggling a bit: could not beat the Rat Overlord and then decided to try the first cave at the exit of Fountain Head and here again I can't quite beat the zombies :-( That game is harder than what I remembered! There's a couple of …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Looks great! That guy on the left is Maximus - who later became a hero in Heroes of Might & Magic I and II. Funny that Hydras have a high speed rating in this game. In Heroes they are always among the slowest creatures. :) I think the graphics in this game are as good as about any DOS title from …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Might & Magic III My level 25ish party has been working on clearing the Isle of Fire, working out of Blistering Heights (the one town on the island). We didn't have much trouble at all til we got to the southwest corner of the island, where the Great Hydras roam. Those guys have 5000 HP, AC of 60 …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
I have started an other game of Lands of Lore... I love that game, pretty casual dungeon crawler with some really nice cinematics. https://www.abandonware-france.org/images_abandonware/jeux/1125LOL_07.png Still one of my favorite games of all time. I played it back in 2016 on a Pentium 200MMX with …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
My wife, who is not a gamer other than a couple of simple phone games, expressed interest in Hogwarts Legacy after hearing about it from a couple of friends who are playing it on the Switch. So I bought it the other day when it went on a 50% off sale on Steam. I'm hopeful this will be a good …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Assassin's Creed II I've become somewhat addicted to this, even though you never really feel like you are accomplishing anything, because you are just following icons on a map and you feel absolutely indestructible. Normally I would have no interest in this, but sometimes it's fun to just turn your …

Re: System Shock Remastered gameplay trailer

in Milliways
I already beat SSR once after release. I'm going to play and beat it again when the patch is finally released. I'm frustrated at the pace of their release, but I can't do anything about it. Hope to get the big box soon along with the patched game and play it from start to finish one more time.

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Might & Magic III I'm now 54 hours in on this gem. I'm not really sure how far in I am, feels like maybe 60-70%? My characters are between levels 14 and 18. Certain tasks and quests will provide huge XP bonuses to just some characters, hence the big disparity in levels between the characters. My …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
System Shock (Enhanced Version) This is the original DOS Enhanced version released on CD in 1994, and not the Enhanced Edition from 2015 (which I guess is a source port of the Mac release, but ported to the KEX engine??). Anyway, I had this game back in the day and got somewhat far into it, but …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra Somehow I've played over 10 hours without resorting to making a character spreadsheet. But I've gotten to the point where it's practically required if you want to intelligently upgrade your characters' items, so I just broke down and spent 30 minutes doing it. …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
I built myself a new system for the first time in over 10 years. Granted, I've built plenty of systems for others and my son over that time. For myself, I tend to be a tightwad and like to use refurbs and stretch performance of old hardware, so this was a nice treat. I'm back in modern times now …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
I built myself a new system for the first time in over 10 years. Granted, I've built plenty of systems for others and my son over that time. For myself, I tend to be a tightwad and like to use refurbs and stretch performance of old hardware, so this was a nice treat. I'm back in modern times now …

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