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Re: CF-Card testing?

Hah, cool! I'm astonished anything happened and there's any difference at all :D What happens if you power cycle the card? Still no bad sectors? 1: Can't boot from the card. 2: It's a 32mb card. 3: I have just bought a new 32mb IDE+Flash compatible card from eBay... Shure... Why not torture it a …

Re: CF-Card testing?

I can only speculate, but is it even possible to get the needed level of access to a CF card to do the things you're suggesting? The internal controller handles the low level stuff afaik, and just emulates/presents something looking like an IDE hard drive with a PC compatible low level format to the …

Re: Bought this (Modern) hardware today

in Milliways
Just picked up a brand new Gigabyte G1.Sniper 3 Z77 board for peanuts, was like 1/5 of the original retail price from a few years ago :) Yes, its design is clearly aimed at gamer kids, and it looks terrible (not as bad as the earlier Sniper series boards though), but hardware wise it's a great …

Re: Bought this (Modern) hardware today

in Milliways
Just picked up a brand new Gigabyte G1.Sniper 3 Z77 board for peanuts, was like 1/5 of the original retail price from a few years ago :) Yes, its design is clearly aimed at gamer kids, and it looks terrible (not as bad as the earlier Sniper series boards though), but hardware wise it's a great board …

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