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Re: TinyLlama (Vortex86EX SBC)

After I got home from my work I bought a SD card and started messing with it. I think the keyboard latency was lower using the SD card (to be verified). I tried to run a few benchmarks, but I noticed some strange shenaningans. 3DBench cannot be quit (I'm not sure if it was possible actually, or if …

Re: TinyLlama (Vortex86EX SBC)

Today FedEx came in early (I expected them tomorrow but they came this morning so that's great) IMG_20221109_105428__01__01__01__01.jpg And it works first try :D IMG_20221109_105241__01.jpg Now there's a minor inconvenience, and I'm not sure if it's a hardware issue or software issue : when I first …

Re: TinyLlama (Vortex86EX SBC)

Another idea I've had which would still be pretty hard, but would probably integrate better with the raspberry pi : let it emulate CD-Rom tracks used in CD-Rom games. The issue is that we'd need a modified version of SHSUCDX that would somehow communicate with the rpi to select a track and tell it …

Re: TinyLlama (Vortex86EX SBC)

Another idea I've had which would still be pretty hard, but would probably integrate better with the raspberry pi : let it emulate CD-Rom tracks used in CD-Rom games. The issue is that we'd need a modified version of SHSUCDX that would somehow communicate with the rpi to select a track and tell it …

Re: TinyLlama (Vortex86EX SBC)

Maybe a ESP or pi pico W solution could fit that use case, they're not out of stock like the rest and would make the thing less overkill :) Now having ethernet would be great to move files around, though moving files by SD card isn't as painful as doing it on a desktop PC due to the boot times and …

Re: TinyLlama (Vortex86EX SBC)

Another thought I had even though I doubt it'd be easy to do at all : For ethernet maybe a solution could be to connect to the raspberry pi with some spi to ethernet adapter and then use the rpi as a router to WiFi. But the issue is that the rpi isn't running Linux so I doubt that's feasible easily …

Re: TinyLlama (Vortex86EX SBC)

Thanks :) I haven't checked yet for shorts but it looks great visually. It was very fun to build. Oddly enough, the part that was the most annoying was soldering the caps, because I don't really have an appropriate pair of pliers at hand yet, the rest went very smoothly. I tried to contact them just …

Re: TinyLlama (Vortex86EX SBC)

I have received my kit ! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/965548579001360414/1035901270801784862/IMG_20221029_131348.jpg After 3 hours of work, here it is almost fully assembled https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/965548579001360414/1035901334798483536/IMG_20221029_145546.jpg https://cdn. …

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