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Re: MT32 Display Mod / sed1200emu

I have finished putting together a repo with some minimal documentation and decided to make it public. Anyone who is interested can find the project here. https://github.com/skadarnold/sed1200emu This latest revision cleans up a few things with a few additions like serial UART for debugging, better …

Re: MT32 Display Mod / sed1200emu

I am not sure if anyone is following along with this, but I am happy to report that I was successful in getting this project working! I spent some time updating the PCB and cleaning up the symbols and footprints that were converted over from the original schematics. There were a few issues with the …

Re: MT32 Display Mod / sed1200emu

So I have done a little more research on this and found that it would be more appropriate to use a 16pf crystal instead of a 22pf like the one I am using. I will switch the crystal out and see if that gets me a proper clock. Otherwise it also seems that the ATMEGA8L-8AU is also the correct choice of …

Re: MT32 Display Mod / sed1200emu

I would like to dig this project back up and hopefully get a little help with it. Overall some of these things are very new to me, but it would be nice finishing this as an option for a display replacement or upgrade for the MT32. I have not heard back from the original developer for help or …

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