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Voodoo 5 (5500 AGP ? ) no video - repair help

IMG_20170427_172837.jpg Hi there, i recently got a V5 AGP. Fans turn, but i get no image. I tested with 2 boards and Pentium3 Slot1 CPUs: one with an via apollo chipset and one with a BX i440 chipset. At least the apollo one has "agp 2x enabled" in the bios. WHAT can i check ? (The boards work fine …

Using ECHO to build a table but without carriage return at end of line

EDIT: Guess in pure dos, my batch file is good! In Dosbox it gives me bullcrap ;) Hi there,quick question: how to avoid blank lines after an echo line? I'm creating a table to start my dos games, but I get an empty line after each echo. DOS 6.22 code follows: @cls @echo ╔══════════════════════☺☺══ …

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