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Re: Freedos 1.3 - external usb cd/dvd rom drive

in DOS
when the computer boots from the disc, the bios will emulate it as an ide dvd drive and depending on the boot type, the floppy portion will be emulated as an a: regular floppy disk drive. if the system is not booting from the disc, then there is no emulation. that is the strange thing, it boots …

Freedos 1.3 - external usb cd/dvd rom drive

in DOS
hello all I am new to freedos and been trying get my external usb disc drive to work on my samsung nc-10 netbook . The CD boots when netbook starts up and able to install freedos to ssd , no problem When it restarts and it boots off ssd, the usb external disc drive doesn't work trying find on google …

Linux Version help on MacBook Pro

Hello all I have posted about this topic about earlier hardware and this is an extension of that https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=102424 This time i am looking towards my MacBook Pro Mid 2010 model Specs: CPU - Core i7 (I7-620M) @ 2.66ghz Ram - 8gb DDR3 Graphics - Nvidia GeForce GT 330M @ …

Re: linux help

i will say that normal dosbox runs games better than dosbox-x in my experience on my netbook, might try again and play with settings and tweak in future but for linux, web browsing isn't as a deal breaker but would be handy to save sneakerneting but if that need to be done then that no issue either. …

Re: linux help

I wonder if there are many who agree. Is browsing the web among the most hardware-intensive tasks you can do on a modern computer? Browsing the web and other web-adjacent things, e.g. electron apps, absolutely. Look at the memory usage of web browser tabs and electron apps. Biggest reason a …

Re: linux help

I suggest Linux Mint. It's easy to get into, has less problems operating and has the familiar Windows feel. Plus the forum community is quite helpful and friendly. Though, I did see problems installing on some machines, but generally it just works. Once you are familiar with the Linux ecosystem, …

Re: linux help

i think this where i got lost as there is so many different versions of linux and looking for something that is lightwight, run smooth and fast ish but also modern ish where it still supported and easy update-able also looking to be geared towards gaming and wanting to doing on either my netbook or …

Re: linux help

i think this where i got lost as there is so many different versions of linux and looking for something that is lightwight, run smooth and fast ish but also modern ish where it still supported and easy update-able also looking to be geared towards gaming and wanting to doing on either my netbook or …

linux help

hello all i don't where this would go as i can not see a linux part of this website i am a complete beginner to linux and never used it before, i am aware there is loads of linux distros but looking to try and also if there is any that noob, beginner friendly . also look for a distro or two to run a …

Re: is there a modern dosbox Frontend - Netbook

in DOS
A CPU like that is always going to be sluggish with DOSBox, regardless of which version you use. ok ok, thanks for letting me know and i have tried a few games already and run fine and smoothly when compare to my 486 pc i would use freedos on this netbook but i don't think realtek sound chip is …

Re: is there a modern dosbox Frontend - Netbook

in DOS
Not sure what you're actually asking for but: Use the latest version of the official version of DOSBox from sourceforge with an older version of DBGL that works with the version of Java that works on XP with either the last official working version of Oracle Java for XP or the last version of …

is there a modern dosbox Frontend - Netbook

in DOS
Hello all I have a netbook - Samsung NP NC-10 Specs CPU - Intel Atom @1.6ghz Graphics - Intel GMA 950 OS - Windows XP Home RAM - 2Gb HDD - 128GB SSD i was wondering if there is a modem dosbox frontend that is maintained that will run smoothly within these specs and on XP i did try dosbox-x, which …

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