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Re: Xbox 360 Marketplace closing

Nope, you still need to RGH your console in order to jailbreak it. But if you do so, you can use multiple 16TB harddrives with the FAT XL patch, for a total capacity of 48TB, which is more than enough to have the entire library of Xbox 360 games available on your console: https://fatxplorer.eaton- …

Re: Video game actors are now on strike

Nowadays, you can tack on the motion capture sensors on even the programmers' and other staff of the developers faces Sure, but if you expect an Anthony Hopkins-worthy performance from regular people working on the game, you are mistaken. I like seeing professional actors performing in video games. …

Re: Which sites issue IP and device based bans?

I left Reddit last year, after I got banned for an extremely stupid reason. Apparently, the moderators of a popular work-related subreddit didn't like that I posted about enjoying a four-day work week. Sacrilege! The moderators of the subreddit permabanned my main profile from it. Then they hunted …

Re: What game are you playing now?

I'm currently going through EA's recent "Jedi" games. Jedi: Fallen Order has been an amazing experience with great level design and so many secrets to discover! Jedi Survivor improved on the combat, made the world even bigger, I absolutely love it. It's an absolute beast of a game, maxing out my …

Re: What would you do different?

When my dad bought my first computer I would've told him to not take the AMD K5 90MHz just because the PC case was black and beautiful, if I had known. He didn't want to buy a beige computer, which is fine, but getting a Fujitsu PC with a CPU much slower than a Pentium and a BTX motherboard instead …

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