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Re: S3d wrappers

in PC Emulation
Updated with changes to the Ignition wrapper. Improved performance, reduced texture seams, and brought back some particle effects that are broken in the native Glide version. Strange the particles were never fixed, the Glide version totally lacks all water and spark sprays as far as I can see. But …

Re: S3d wrappers

in PC Emulation
Updated with changes to the Glide wrapper, don't remember exactly what. Need for Speed 2's menus are no longer corrupted, Die by the Sword now runs (sans menus). Need for Speed 2 is in fact playable, just with a ton of glitches. GLQuake with MiniGL 1.49 runs again, same with Redline Racer. This is …

Re: S3d wrappers

in PC Emulation
Updated with some updates to the Glide wrapper, and to add an optimized Glide wrapper for Ignition. There's now an INI file with options to tweak. For most games you'll want to disable perspective correction until you know the game runs, S3d seems to be more fragile in that mode. For paletted games …

Re: S3d wrappers

in PC Emulation
Keep in mind you need to skip the intro cinematic in Ignition or you get a system freeze. Later on I'll put out a separate version for Ignition, with somewhat improved alpha blending and some other things. I may do that in general, there's not much point in having a general-purpose wrapper when most …

Re: S3d wrappers

in PC Emulation
Could be, though in this case it may be something else. The game can also look like this and run at 0.1 FPS: uguivwn.jpg Not all Glide functions have been implemented in the wrapper, so it's not surprising that there are glitches. But it's interesting how some games can work almost perfect while …

Re: S3d wrappers

in PC Emulation
Updated with some improvements to the Glide-S3d wrapper. About 60-70% of Glide 2.4 games might now run to some extent, still probably only 10-20% are playable. Some extra CPU overhead now, performance might be down. Ignition works better now, with some issues still. Might make sense to write a …

Re: S3d wrappers

in PC Emulation
Looks like the Glide-Verite wrapper guys had the same problem with paletted games like Ignition, need to convert the textures into 16 bit and then the 4 MB of video memory isn't enough. Too bad that's where the ViRGE tops out, then you're spilling into slower system memory. The S3d API supports …

Re: S3d wrappers

in PC Emulation
Updated to add a Glide-to-S3d wrapper for Glide 2.4. Alpha stuff and will make your system unstable. Based on my brief testing it may run 30-40% of Glide 2.4 games, and 10-20% of them might be playable with minor glitches only. Perspective correct texturing is disabled for all of them, but looks …

Re: S3d-to-software wrapper

in PC Emulation
The card is faster for sure. But the fact that POD chose to use it only for shadows etc. makes me think they realized a full S3d version would've been noticeably slower than their software renderer. Still, the fact that they used it for alpha blending would suggest it's faster than software, if they …

Re: S3d-to-software wrapper

in PC Emulation
Updated with v.5. Added a software wrapper for POD. Far as anyone knows, this game uses S3d only for shadows, skidmarks and smoke, the rest is CPU. That makes this a unique version of the game, software renderer with true alpha blending. Fixed some missing alpha blending in Havoc. Based on my real …

Re: S3d-to-software wrapper

in PC Emulation
Updated with v.4. Added a software wrapper for Havoc. Supports bilinear texture filtering but not mipmaps. Requires a CPU with SSE, but probably Pentium 4++, haven't tested it much. 6y5rjk9.jpg FPSCounter is less conservative about redrawing itself. Will result in the counter flickering more in some …

Re: S3d-to-software wrapper

in PC Emulation
First post updated with v.3. Adds a FRAPS-like FPS overlay wrapper for Win32 S3d, requires an S3d card. The tracer will now pass S3d render calls to the driver if there's an S3d card present, so you don't have to look at a blank screen. dftbjth.gif For some games the FPS overlay works alright. For …

Re: S3d-to-software wrapper

in PC Emulation
First post updated with v.2. Large performance improvements. Some visual artifacts fixed. Added a tracer wrapper, which output an application's S3d and DirectDraw call trace into stdout and does nothing else. If the call trace says nothing about DirectDraw then you know the game probably won't work …

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