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Re: Emulating MT-32 on an RPi2

Thanks for trying that. I did not know how to measure the load right from the pi so I'll look into how to do that. The 5.2V is what was coming right off of the supply. Like I said before, I'm getting this issue with the Pi2 and 3 and have tried two different power supplies (both had a longish cord, …

Re: Emulating MT-32 on an RPi2

Could you please update via raspi-config and post your .asoundrc file? Let me know what you're testing with and I will try to duplicate the problem. Sure, thanks for your help with this! I updated, but I can't find the .asoundrc file. I looked all over, including the /home/pi/ folder. I have been …

Re: Emulating MT-32 on an RPi2

Alrighty. What is your current audio output device? It's the onboard audio (headphone jack). I enabled it in the config.txt with the line: dtparam=audio=on Then I changed audio output from HDMI to headphone jack in raspi-config I was planning to test with the headphone jack audio before purchasing …

Re: Emulating MT-32 on an RPi2

My multimeter is reading 5.2V from the power supply. I used htop and watched for 30 minutes and never saw the mt32emu-qt process go over 80% cpu utilization and didn't see any of the cores max out at any time. I also watched the current cpu frequency (with: watch -n 0.1 cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/ …

Re: Emulating MT-32 on an RPi2

I'm experimenting with gdjacobs prebuilt images. I've tested both on a RPi2 and Rpi3 and when sending MIDI from my retro PC to Munt via the UM-ONE, Munt throws an underrun message every minute or two: snd_pcm_writei failed: Broken pipe -> recovering... ALSA lib pcm.c:7843:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun …

Re: Sam and Max Hanging Notes SC-55

NewRisingSun, I'm not sure what that means as I'm a noob when it comes to old hardware, but I'm very curious to hear more about the process. You are modifying a driver for the AWE64 that is to be used specifically for S&M? Also, I specifically tracked down an AWE64 because from what I read on vogons …

Re: Sam and Max Hanging Notes SC-55

NewRisingSun, I'm using the talkie version CD that I've had since I was a kid. It's funny, I remember having issues getting it to run on my old Packard Bell in 1993 and now here I am in 2017 having different issues. I don't know how one could possibly go about making a patch for this, but if you are …

Sam and Max Hanging Notes SC-55

My System: Asus P5A r1.04, AMD K6-III+ 450, Voodoo3 3000 AGP Sound Blaster AWE64 CT4520 w/SC-55mkII connected via gameport breakout cable Windows 98SE using MS-DOS Mode I am currently running the motherboard FSB at 66Mhz and adjusting the multiplier in Windows 98 MS-DOS Mode with setmul so I can …

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