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Re: DosBox on Mac, specific conf files

Sure, I'll do my best. The bat file that you you told me to create is now working. Now I have another problem, the game is lauching well but with basic settings. - - - I'm using DosBox 0.74. I made some change into both, the blood.cfg and the DosBox preference file. When the game launch, the …

Re: DosBox on Mac, specific conf files

{My apologies about the double topic, i though I didn't successfully create this one that's why i took the liberty of starting a new one} It seems like that the file was still a text file for a reason that i ignore (Probably because i'm stupid). The problem now is that it doesn't launch the option …

Dosbox [MAC] autoexec problem

Hi, I'm just finished to install Blood but the sensitivity is really awfull. I found a program that may fix the issue but i've got some problem to make it work. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=286998267 It is called BMOUSE, I can't explain it by myself but have a look to …

DosBox on Mac, specific conf files

Hi everyone, I'm using DosBox since one hour so I give my apologies right now since this post will probably be a mess. So, I'm actually trying to run " Blood ", everything is working fine execpt for the sensitivity, it's awfull. After some research, i found a program that will probably solve the …

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