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Re: Dos gaming PCI graphics card choice.

How do bit more modern pci graphics cards do in dos gaming in the pentium pc that I talked about? There is couple of those for sale here locally. One is Voodoo 3 2000 PCI 16Mb and the other one is Nvidia TNT2 M64 PCI 32Mb. The voodoo card would cost about 30 euros and the TNT 2 card 25 euros. …

Machspeed VGA GUI 3000

I saw a VLB graphics card in a local recycling center that says Machspeed VGA GUI 3000 on the board. I wasn't able to find out any information about it by using google. They were selling the card for 10 euros in the recycling center. Is the card any good?

Re: Dos gaming PCI graphics card choice.

That leaves out the ATI card. All chips S3 Trio64, Virge and Vision864 in these cards seem to be quite equal when it comes to compatibility. Is there any reasons for choosing one of these S3 cards over others like speed or being able to use higher resolutions?

Dos gaming PCI graphics card choice.

I went through my graphics card pile to see what kind of pci graphics cards I have that I could use with pentium 120Mhz dos gaming pc. I found these 5 cards: Filename 20170528_132359.jpg File size 4.71 MiB Views 1427 views Which one of these cards you think would work the best for dos gaming?

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