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Re: Portal 2 on Windows XP?

For Portal 2 versions newer than v4560 you can see if you have any luck with the Goldberg Steam emulator, be sure to copy the ws2_32.dll and ws2_base.dll from OneCoreAPI into the same directory as the goldberg steam_api.dll file or you can use a fork of Goldberg for XP which is based off of an …

Re: Bought this (Modern) hardware today

in Milliways
Please welcome a new member of my Fractal family. I needed a new case to transfer my main PC to and to build a PC from older parts that I have, so I pick the obvious choice, Fractal Design North. It's so gorgeous in person, I absolutely love it! Filename Fractal_1.jpg File size 158.09 KiB Views 588 …

Re: VOGONS github

in Milliways
Xash3D (at least prebuild binaries) stopped working on Win XP. This build is the last one, which works on XP out of the box. Later builds are borked since this commit . Alright, take that back, author was kind enough to fix this for the time being, so for the foreseeable future, Xash3D is again XP …

Re: VOGONS github

in Milliways
Wow, man can't be sure of anything these days. Xash3D (at least prebuild binaries) stopped working on Win XP. This build is the last one, which works on XP out of the box. Later builds are borked since this commit . OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) also stopped working with provided binaries from version 7. …

Re: Ion Fury - A new Build Engine game

in Milliways
Laptop + Windows XP + Intel HD 3000 - Game starts and menu looks fine, but 3D game has serious glitches and slowdowns. Previous eDuke versions run fine with OpenGL. I have pretty similar system (Think Pad T430, with Intel HD 4000 and XP), and I can concur, that there are massive slowdowns, which …

Re: VOGONS github

in Milliways
fHeroes2 project https://github.com/ihhub/fheroes2 The release v1.00 from December 2022 was still easy to get working in Windows XP, with the usual Windows version 6->5 hexedit in the PE header. The release v1.01 has four NT6 specific calls, and needs a KernelEx wrapper to run on NT5. The release …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Bruno128 wrote on 2023-05-12, 22:05: So was there a success running SBEMU with HDMI Audio? Unfortunately not. I can't get the picture from FreeDOS to the external monitor, and therefore I can't route the sound through the HDMI. Also, only one sound card is detected with /scl switch (Intel HDA: …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Biomecanoid wrote on 2023-05-12, 21:38: Now the Intel sound card should be your HDMI port Exactly. And since I didn't have external monitor connected, I assume it's using that HD audio card (SBEMU identified it as Intel HDA). But wanted to add both of those HW IDs just to be sure 😀

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Sure, here you go! There are 2 audio devices, but I assume, that sound for speakers is going from HD audio one. Filename HD_Audio.png File size 27.87 KiB Views 2830 views File license CC-BY-4.0 Filename Display_audio.png File size 24.25 KiB Views 2830 views File license CC-BY-4.0

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

I tried it on my ThinkPad T430 and it's working beautifully. Tho I found out that at least on this notebook it isn't working with CuteMouse 2.0, but with 2.1 it's working just fine. And also, like mentioned in this thread previously, Tyrian won't work, not even its setup.

Re: what are your favourite ps/2 mice?

in Milliways
After more then a decade I finally replaced my main mice for G403 Hero, so my still perfectly working MX518 now can be my full time retro PS/2 mice (one of the last mohicans, which still works with USB=>PS/2 adapters).

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