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Re: Technological critique

in Milliways
Ok, I think we're basically just talking about different things. Are we talking about backends or frontends? I mean "web" can mean a whole lot of things and I probably wrongly jumped to the conclusion that you meant frontends.

Re: Technological critique

in Milliways
C# for the web? I must have missed that JavaScript and Node.JS went out of fashion. Or do you mean for services which are basically only connected? Then yes, C# is strong there but so is Java, Node.JS and a ton of other languages and frameworks. But no, I'm a Computer Scientist who actually started …

Re: Technological critique

in Milliways
VS 2019 doesn't come with everything installed by default because most developers don't need everything. You actually need to set a tick at "Desktop Development with C++" -> "C++ MFC for latest[...]" in the Visual studio Installer. There are also good reasons to prefer C# over C++ and vice versa.

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