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Re: To end the AMD v. Intel debate.

in Milliways
In this flame war, I was always on Intel side. I always used Intel CPUs for my entire life so far, and never used anything else. Okay, that's almost a lie, I used the PowerPC Macintoshes at some point. But at least I never used AMD...

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
Me and my great dad repaired this last weekend two damn big noteboks... a Sony Vaio from around 2009, i7 and 4GB ram with Windows 7; and a HP Pavillion with what I believe to be a Core 2 Duo from around 2007, and running Vista. Since both harddisks were corrupted, and the Vaio wasn't booting for …

Re: The Asperger's Syndrome Thread

in Milliways
I can't speak for the topic except every time I see that word I think of the South Park episode. ;) As far as people with issues go.... Highly detail oriented. I've been troubleshooting my whole life so I see that all parts make a whole. Most people aren't like that and get annoyed which annoys me …

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