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Re: WfW 3.11 - how this guy did that?

Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I got so damn interested in how the hell he achieved a such amazing resolution. Is it possible with DOSBox? Vanilla DosBox is emulating a 2mb videocard, so its unlikely a modified driver would help. Some of the custom builds allow for more flexibility. Heyy …

Re: WfW 3.11 - how this guy did that?

Vanilla DOSBox works fine at 1024x768 64K using the S3 Trio64V driver. Yeah, I know, but the video shows a higher resolution. I wonder if it could be done in dosbox-x version EDIT: Excerpt taken from Dosbox wiki: svga_s3 (vga on DOSBox 0.71 and 0.72) is SVGA (Super Video Graphics Array): A loose …

Re: Edge based on Chromium

I can give my two cents, I am a web developer (Well, a front-end developer) since 2004. I work mostly on responsive web designs. I can say that I have tested the chromium Edge version and I have to say, I like it. I like the fact that IE is going defunct now and MS moved forward with Edge and web …

Re: WfW 3.11 - how this guy did that?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55yp3uGwJKw problem is I even try to set SVGA 1024x768 256cols from regular win setup , and my lcd monitor shows freq out of sync... Another workaround is using a patched SVGA driver. Some guys patched that universal WfW driver in a way so it would always use VESA …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
Yeah, we might need a new topic for both. (lol) If we were to create a new topic like that, maybe we could call it "What modern activity (along with a retro situation) did you get up to today?" :lol: Nah, I don't think we would need a thread like that, we already have this modern tech thread and …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
oeuvre wrote: ayy are you on freenode? Hey! Nope... I used to be on brazilian networks almost daily when I was a kid (BrasNET and/or BrasIRC). Never been on Freenode. I might as well go there later, since BrasNET is dead and BrasIRC is now almost empty.

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
Don't know how to classify this, as a retro or modern activity. But I installed WinAmp 5.8 on my Windows 10 Enterprise VM, along with the classic skin running on it. Oh, memories... I also still use winamp today, and I don't see any need to change that :) it really whips the llama's ass. For sure!

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
Don't know how to classify this, as a retro or modern activity. But I installed WinAmp 5.8 on my Windows 10 Enterprise VM, along with the classic skin running on it. Oh, memories... I'm sure this is a modern activity, because Windows 10 is modern. But WinAmp is retro, so maybe this situation could …

Re: What are you eating/drinking? (the vogons food thread)

in Milliways
I'm ofc not drinking a mcdonald's cup of coffee. McDonald’s and most other coffee taste like dirt compared to a Starbucks which taste like dark chocolate to me. Lol, who likes drinking coffee from a burger joint? :-P Not me, I'm probably a hipster, I drink hot chocolate and frappucinos from …

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