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Re: Logging into Gmail with old mail clients

The issue is not with SSL 3.0. Gmail supports that, and if you use Outlook Express 5.5 with SSL3, it works. OE 5.0 fails with the same security settings as OE 5.5, whether on Windows 95/98 or on WFW 3.11. Ohhh, damnnn... thanks for correcting me. I might want to try another email client then. …

Re: Logging into Gmail with old mail clients

I think that it's official... no email client app will work with WFWG 3.11 unless we use some of the "gimmicks" we mentioned on this thread, to downgrade the protocol. WFWG 3.11 tops at SSL 3.0, and this was essentially deprecated in a long, long time ago. I was surprised to see OE 6 work with W98 …

Re: Logging into Gmail with old mail clients

There is a script on virtuallyfun to convert webpages to gifs. Looked pretty neat but haven't tried it myself. https://virtuallyfun.com/wordpress/2014/03/11/web-rendering-proxy-update/ https://github.com/tenox7/wrp WRP got updated with "steroids" recently and is on version 4.0. Its quite amazing …

Re: Logging into Gmail with old mail clients

I gave up on NT 3.51 since it can’t run on DosBox and iDOS 2. Almost thought about going to W95, but I was never a fan of this GUI. I guess that I will really have to set up my rPI3 to run some scripts in the middle. IIRC, you can switch Windows 95 to use the old Win3.x GUI... But I don't think …

Re: Logging into Gmail with old mail clients

If the script I found (legacyweb) allowed me to use the IMAP instead of POP, I could try it. It’s the script that allows me to connect to Gmail through stunnel using WFWG 3.11 and Outlook 5.0. But thanks for the suggestion - I might do that when I decide to run a W95/W98 machine. I just came back …

Re: Best memories of Windows or OS?

in Milliways
My best memories come from Windows 3.11 and Windows 95. We had W95 on our first ever laptop (Acer Extensa 710T) and when I borrowed it from my dad to use while I was spending some days with my grandparents, I was caught by surprise when I turned it on and after logon and instead of the default …

Re: Best memories of Windows or OS?

in Milliways
My best memories come from Windows 3.11 and Windows 95. We had W95 on our first ever laptop (Acer Extensa 710T) and when I borrowed it from my dad to use while I was spending some days with my grandparents, I was caught by surprise when I turned it on and after logon and instead of the default sound …

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