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Re: Leak of Windows 11

in Milliways
Heh, the W3550 the VM is on is actually my daily driver - so I won't doing a real install on that anytime soon. I'll throw it at some real systems soon - probably even older just to see what I can get it to run on.

Re: Ultimate Win95?

Same here - I was still running a 66MHz 486SLC2 until mid 97 when I bought one of those swap meet upgrade packages with 6x86-200, 32MB ram and a motherboard. I ran 95 on this and continued to run 95 when I upgraded to a k6/2 450. I remember having to put the old 6x86 back in to apply a patch as 95 …

Re: Why is this ET4000 so expensive?

in Milliways
It was part of a piece of medical equipment - Any hospital still using that machine can only replace parts with exactly the same part or the machine is no longer certified. If they replace the video card with an ET4000 from a different manufacturer the machine would have to be re-certified which …

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