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Re: Simmconn AWE64 Adapter

Thanks, I was just curious because I thought they looked slightly smaller than the standard 2.54mm (0.1") connector. I'm currently reworking the schematic in KiCAD with a PCB design. Also, making everything through-hole would be much easier for a DIY kit (instead of the PLCC socket for the …

Re: Big A** Monitors thread

in Milliways
I use a 40" Samsung 4K LED backlit monitor as my primary display. It does 3840x2160 @ 60Hz with 4:4:4 chroma, and it has a square pixel arrangement so text is razor sharp. It works really well, besides for about 36ms of input lag which is just tolerable enough for modern FPS gaming.. not ideal, but …

Re: Eco-warriors to the rescue!

in Milliways
Strange, all my bulbs are several years old now. But I pay a bit extra for the Cree brand. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GP7BGRY/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_Ngo8EbC40V1JH Those have been running in my house for 4-8 hours a day for 3 years now I guess I'll try those next. Hopefully they last longer. I …

Re: Eco-warriors to the rescue!

in Milliways
It's not about the technology. It's about the principle of it. You should be able to buy whatever light bulbs you want. By that logic you should be able to buy food full of lead and other toxic substances, and food producers should be able to sell it to you - because, you know, freedom. By that …

Re: Eco-warriors to the rescue!

in Milliways
On that topic, are there any LED or CFL bulbs (dimmable) that actually last longer than a few months. I haven't had any luck, even buying ridiculously expensive GE and Philips bulbs. I've changed outlet sockets, installed special dimmer switches designed for them, hooked up a Nicolet to monitor my …

Re: Modern hardware prices ?

in Milliways
A lot of Microcenter locations are now making a DIY/maker section. The one by my house took out their book library area and has now dedicated it to Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Nvidia Jetson, Intel Edison, PCB making and breadboarding, robotics, IOT, 3d printing, etc. There's quite a selection of circuit …

Re: Collecting rants

Well, just now I received another PC that was packed improperly with newspaper and one tiny piece of soft foam. It arrived damaged. At least the seller refunded me the full price, minus shipping and did it promptly, admitting their mistake. https://imgur.com/zYmlwZh.jpg https://imgur.com/eO1aylg.jpg …

Re: What retro activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
It isn't less bad than anyone else -- I just don't worry about it. I actively support new science and technology to improve efficiency and we will naturally progress in that direction with time. I won't however buy a li-ion based vehicle that leaves me stranded in -20F weather (like happens to …

Re: Collecting rants

There's always a buyer out there looking for something specific, and they'll pay a high price to get it if one only seldom comes up for sale. It happens in all markets, regardless of the item category. Stamps, Pokemon, cars, furniture, glass bottles, rocks, light fixtures, jewelry, purses, etc. …

What retro activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
The vanity plate I have on it is "MAX CO2" so I receive extra smug looks. It's pretty fun. I wish I could laugh at global warming, nature and humans dying, and constant 30+ celsius degrees 6 months per year. And the certainty that a lot of people have died and will die because of heat, with nowhere …

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