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Re: Need help building Pentium MMX VRM module (lots of information inside!) (re: IBM PC 330/350)

Thanks for the reply! Yeah, I'm sure it will be more complicated than it seems, right? Are you talking about the SENSE/DISABLE pins on the regulator module or something different? ...or are you talking about something on the motherboard to detect the regulator module and enable it? There doesn't …

Need help building Pentium MMX VRM module (lots of information inside!) (re: IBM PC 330/350)

The IBM PC 330/350 models offered CPUs up to Pentium MMX 233 but they excluded the 2.8v VRM module unless it came with an MMX CPU. However, the pin headers are still present on the motherboard and the BIOS supports it without any issues. The IBM part number (FRU) is 76H3658 which corresponds to a …

Re: Does this IBM PC 350 support Pentium MMX 233? (re: 200 MHz maximum speed?)

Aww, you just ruined my day lol. You are probably right… I don’t have anything soldered at that spot either. I’ve also been having instances where the PC won’t POST but I didn’t extensively test with the non-MMX CPU. However I think it might related to the CMOS battery or ide/floppy cables. After it …

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