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Typical Craigslist rant

Like many of you, I occasionally browse Craigslist from time to time. Some sellers tend to repost every 2-3 days or so. There's one I've been watching, where it states " Want to sell the whole lot but would consider selling piece by piece starting at $10.00/. " Since it hadn't sold in all that time, …

Re: '98

I wonder how the lower end cards like rage pro turbo and i740 would perform on a P1 platform shootout, since they appear basically maxed out on all the p2s. Ditto the other way, some of the cards don't seem maxed out with the faster processors either.

Nascar 1/Nascar 2 - best PC to use?

I remember playing these games when they first came out, on a 486dx2-66. Kinda forgot about them until I found the CDs recently. This of course leads to deciding what hardware to use it on. These are apparently heavy on the CPU moreso than a lot of games, so what does it take to run them on (with …

Re: Were large flatbed scanners more common in the 90s?

I have two, one a Canon with a parallel port (and a pass through to the printer), and a visioneer with a USB connection. The Canon oddly enough is really slim and small, but I'd imagine the USB one is probably much faster. The Canon I think cost like $50? Back in the day. The other was a hand me …

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