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Re: Same Model Soundcard Revisions?

Well I am curious why the CT3990 has different layouts and chips or missing chips. I was aware of the CT2760 having different revisions, but I figured that was do to it being the first run of the first model AWE32, but the CT3990??? Seems odd to me. The Yamaha again is a curiosity. I had suspected …

Re: Same Model Soundcard Revisions?

How are the two CT3990s different? One has ASP and the other doesn't. Isn't the layout identical? The second example is silly. Those are two cards from different manufacturers. The only thing they have in common is they both use a Yamaha chip. The first one is a Labway, and the second is probably …

Re: Same Model Soundcard Revisions?

See here for Sound Blaster AWE32 / AWE64 options. Not everything is perfectly correct, but really really close. http://nerdlypleasures.blogspot.com/2012/07/sound-blaster-awe32-64-options.html Here for the Sound Blaster 16 models: http://nerdlypleasures.blogspot.com/2012/07/sound-blaster-16-trials- …

Same Model Soundcard Revisions?

Hi, I been researching and looking a various soundcards when I noticed that some model numbers are capable of having differences in layouts and chips. Here are some examples shown below. Is there any documentation listing the changes or updates anywhere? Or is it just different manufacturers …

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