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Re: Problems capturing Direct3D 7 games with OBS (+ dgVoodoo 2)

in Windows
I will do further tests - the thing is though, it has worked a couple of times, so that shows me it is not impossible per-se, I wonder why OBS sometimes succeeds in capturing the source, and sometimes fails. I have also tried opening OBS first or opening the game first, without any discernable …

Problems capturing Direct3D 7 games with OBS (+ dgVoodoo 2)

in Windows
Hi, I've recently been testing streaming on twitch with OBS, and two wonderful games, Clive Barker's Undying and No One Lives Forever . Both have exhibited similar problems, namely · Black screen (no detection of source despite using both "Fullscreen" source as well as "window of a certain exe" …

Re: Two custom ddraw.dll's possible?

By the way, I also experience the phenomenon that the framerate drops from 60 to even around 15 when I have a lot of enemies, even though of course the GPU has enough power. The clocking and GPU load just stay the same... Hi, Kizz did run fine back in pre-directX 9 dgvoodoo, but i had to remove any …

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