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Re: DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

Looks like upcoming DOSBox Staging builds are going to offer Roland Sound Canvas emulation. I'm salivating... You can obtain a Git version with said Sound Canvas support at https://github.com/dosbox-staging/dosbox-staging/actions/runs/12430167903/artifacts/2347979456 Changes to the dosbox-staging. …

Re: DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

Just noticed that DBGL v0.98 seems to have trouble opening game packages created with 0.99. It's understandable, but I wonder if there's any easy fix for this. I'd like to keep trading packages between my desktop (Windows 10 and DBGL v0.99) and my laptop (Windows 7 and therefore DBGL v0.98).

Re: DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

I have a quick question regarding translations. I know that I must translate options, descriptions... but what about parameters? Like these ones: https://i.imgur.com/uCCElh2.png Because I'd like to provide the most complete translation possible, but I wouldn't want to break anything or confuse users …

Re: DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

DOSBox-Staging v0.82 is just out, and of course they had to fiddle wth some of DOSBox options. Here are the changes: - The openglnb output mode for OpenGL with nearest-neighbour interpolation has been removed - The voodoo_multithreading confing setting (which previously toggled three extra worker …

Re: DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

I'll check it out. I have a small request I wanted to mention, though. Yesterday I was fiddling with DOSBox-X 3Dfx options, trying to get the DOS port of "Hexen II" to use this mode, when I noticed something in their dosbox-x.conf . I was a bit confused by the "glide" option, which shows verbatim in …

Re: DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

OK, I managed to reproduce the keyboard bug I've been having with DBGL and DOSBox-X. I've created a profile with DOSBox v0.74-3 to run Windows 3.11 Spanish edition. 1) Running it with DOSBox v0.74-3 (default options) and I can write on the Notepad as usual. 2) Now I change to DOSBox-X (using the …

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