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Re: ega cga vga

As for VGA, that can be made to work with RGB SCART monitors and TVs as well, but it will require a scan doubler. What? Scan doubler is used to connect a 15 kHz HSYNC video source to VGA monitor ie. 31 kHz. The other way around would be "scan halfer" - and yes, such devices do exist, see eg. …

Re: Dual cpu/core and windows 9X/ME

rloew does have a Multi-Core SDK for 9x but you'll need to code for it but I don't know if it's available anywhere. Even if it isn't it proves that it's possible. https://msfn.org/board/topic/145512-multiprocessor-support-in-98se/#comment-933209 MULTCORE $20 + $1 S&H SDK to support Multiple Cores. …

Re: The frustrations of the GPU market

As long as they recognise the 2 years of pent up demand and release about 2 years of production right away, it should be available and affordable... or they could be real happy about markup and just splutter them out at monthly rate and hold over the 2 year backlog for another 2 years. They gotta …

Re: The frustrations of the GPU market

RandomStranger wrote on 2022-01-23, 17:07: We did. Problem is, these production shortages almost never hurt the manufacturer, only the end user. Gotta love the China price conundrum Proper consistent policy could have enforced some distribution but when shortages drive more profit we have the wrong …

Re: The frustrations of the GPU market

BitWrangler wrote on 2022-01-23, 16:58: You'd think we'd have learned when various fires, tsunamis and earthquakes wiped out "unicorn" facilities that the entire industry leaned on, but nope. Gotta be lean secondary suppliers and backups cost money

Re: The frustrations of the GPU market

Remember when 570s flooded the market during the prior crypto crash? Would be hillarious if 5000 series card had a huge dump on 2nd hand and 6500xt sold like shit lol The 6500xt is the saddest GPU launch in the last 2 decades. Intels Starfighter was likely the saddest. Intels Alchemist launch will …

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