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Re: Art of CGA

This thread infected me, now I see something like this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfH3_GWNHpk ... and I want to turn it into a CGA screen, maybe minimally animated, so it looks like road is moving, maybe add an adlib soundtrack lol There are midi files for that, just need the animation 8088 …

Re: Just saw this about 3DFX this morning

leileilol wrote on 2021-08-05, 20:33: subhuman@xgtx wrote on 2021-08-03, 19:42: Did anyone really believe this was even supposed to be a half-baked announcement? Unfortunately i've seen at least three who expressed genuine excitement. Snopes needs a 3dfx category... Print a 3dfx logo and affix it …

Re: Suggested Sound card for 386SX

p.s. I would also have another system ... the first IBM pc, equipped with 8087, ram expansion and vga card ... in this system all my sound cards would be useless right? Not hardly, any PC can use a soundblaster that has an 8 bit edge connector (either of the 2.0 cards) https://www.google.com/amp/s/ …

Re: Just saw this about 3DFX this morning

Jansen product has had all manner of nonsense from floor underlayment to security systems to toy puzzles and models, even occasionally resells low end electronics and TVs I can’t wait to buy my USB3 3DFX VGA Stick Also don’t confuse this with a real multibillion dollar player like Janssen One sells …

Re: Suggested Sound card for 386SX

I have in my pocket: Sound Blaster 2.0 Sound Blaster Pro 2.0 Sound Blaster 16 wich is the suggested for a slow 386sx20? the one that advances I would mount it on the 486dx2… Due to compatibility I would stick with either 2.0 card Functionally the sx20 is bandwidth limited on any of the cards so it …

Re: Just saw this about 3DFX this morning

Did anyone really believe this was even supposed to be a half-baked announcement? We will probably get a 3dfx labeled cell phone in 3-5 years sold by the C64 Pet Italian phone reseller company Slow news day on the interwebz, i but if that means "3dfx is back" , bravo clickbait and a cease and …

Re: Just saw this about 3DFX this morning

you would still end up with a fast(er) card with the feature set of the VSA100, so basically not even DirectX 7 feature set compatible . So what would be the point ? Hoping to run Quake 2 at 2000fps at 4K ? Ah so it’s impossible to add an external feature set of Ray tracing Shader Cube Map To …

Re: Just saw this about 3DFX this morning

You can stack a lot of VSA100 chips even on 28nm lithography. But can they all be packaged together as a single “video card on a chip” functioning together as a unit that runs at a useable and competitive 2ghz + clocking? The slower they are the more that would need to run in parallel to be …

Re: Just saw this about 3DFX this morning

BitWrangler wrote on 2021-08-02, 21:17: How many VSA-100 cores can you get on 10mm square of 14nm? ... that might be something like what could happen for only a few megabucks and a lot of chutzpah IBM is working on 1nm stacked 3D lithography How many gigahertz will a 1nm VSA100 operate at? How many …

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