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Re: Dosbox Linux serial port help

in DOSBox General
Why don't you try if you can "talk" to it over serial from Linux first with something like "GTKTerm". Also, by default a normal user does not have rights to the serial port. Instead of running dosbox with sudo, you probably should just add your user to the right group. Just run the following to …

Re: Windows 95 and/or serial modem issues

By default DOSBox (and DOSBox-X by extension) claims to be DOS 5.0, which has no support for FAT32 or LFN (Long FileNames). To maintain compatibility with some dos utilities that make assumptions based on the DOS version, it was decided to only make LFN available if the reported DOS version is 7.0 …

Re: Windows 95 and/or serial modem issues

There are two possible problems you may have run into. 1. it was possibly created as FAT32, and so you need to set your reported DOS version to 7.1 to be able to access it. (ver set 7.1) 2. a bug that was introduced in 0.83.17 that only effects the Windows Visual Studio (VS) build. Either use the …

Re: Windows 95 and/or serial modem issues

Stock DOSBox 0.74 should really not be used with Win95. You should fare a little better with a SVN release. Daum has been discontinued for years already. DOSBox-X is the only actively maintained DOSBox fork that actually supports Win9x, and it incorporated most (all?) of Daum's features. You say you …

Re: Windows 95 and/or serial modem issues

"listenport" is for incoming requests. So if you want to "dial into" win98 running in DOSBox. If you only want to establish an outgoing connection, it is not needed. With just "serial2=modem" you should be able to start something like HyperTerminal in Win95 and dial an IP address. I just tried it on …

Re: Windows 95 and/or serial modem issues

I'm a little confused. Do you have a real modem attached to your real COM2 port on your windows host pc? Or are you wanting to emulate a modem? And what are you trying to connect to? The "modem" and "nullmodem" options are for emulating a modem or nullmodem respectively. If you have a real serial …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

in DOSBox Patches
@MKSheppard, if you used a Windows VS build, try a MinGW build of DOSBox-X instead. Visual Studio (VS) has issues with the 80bit precision of the old FPUs. I just tried Wilderness in DOSBox-X on Linux, which has no issues with the FPU precision, and it renders just fine. Here is a level 10 rendering …

Re: networking for dosbox-x over wine on linux

Why don't you just run DOSBox-X native on Linux instead of via Wine? There are downloads for Fedora, Arch, Flatpak and Snap. Or you can compile it yourself with the instructions on the website. Also, there is a DOSBox-X wiki page on setting up networking that may help with some common issues.

Re: DOSBox-x

in DOSBox General
Most likely your issue is that with modern DOSBox-X versions there are now directories on the Z: drive, so if you [autoexec] assumed a binary to be in the root of the Z: drive, it no longer is. Instead look in a directory such as Z:\DOS for the mode utility to set screen columns and lines.

Re: DOSBox + Linux + CUE/BIN = FAIL

in DOSBox General
Can you show the content of XEEN1.CUE? I can assure you that CUE files work just fine with DOSBox on Linux, so I'm afraid it looks like something must be wrong with your setup. Possible reasons I can think of (other then file naming and permissions) - spaces or other special characters in filenames …

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